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Red flashing usually indicated that a spell has been cast on a character. Most will disappate after a time (curse of mortality) but debuff potions can be used.

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Q: How do you stop a character flashing red in Dragon Age Origins?
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What must you do when you encounter a flashing red while driving?

A flashing red traffic light is used the same way as a stop sign. You treat a flashing red traffic light the same way you do as a stop sign. If the traffic light is "blacked-out", it's to be treated as an all-way stop. What I do when I come up to a flashing red traffic light, I look at the cross-traffic signals to see if they're also flashing red, or if they're flashing yellow to see if they stop or if they don't stop.

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A flashing red signal is same as a STOP sign. So prepare to stop.

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Switch the ignition off and start the car again.The light will then stop flashing.

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If your battery is dead,,,nothing should be flashing. There is no voltage to anything.

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break the lightbulb.

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Stop until the red lights stops flashing

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