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Q: How do you start a trade route on Spore?
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How do you capture a system in spore?

Fire at enemy colonies until they raise the white flag. To capture friendlys, start a trade route and place a reasonable bid for the system

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To get More planets on Spore, you can either:put a settlement on an uknowned planetattack a Space stage alien planetor with a trade route, you can wait until the alien in the planet you have a trade route with wants to sell his planet to you for millions (i don't advise this because it's really expensive)

Where does the trade route from Mali start?

In mali

How did spore get its name?

If you are talking about the game, Spore is a micro-organism and that is what you start as.

What was the trade route?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What country was the destination of the trade route?

Can you be more specific? What trade route??

The Russian trade route was called the .?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What was the trade route called?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What is a trade city?

a trade route in a city A city that lies along a major trade route and serves as a trade hub.

When did the triangular trade route start?

The Triangular Trade (Triangle Trade) began its operation from the end of the 16th century and lasted until the early years of the 19th century. This simply refers to slave trade.

What is the busiest oceanic trade route in the world?

The North Atlantic Ocean Route is the busiest trade route in the world.

The Russian trade route was called the what?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.