to put out a fire you need to use the water gun.first go up to a flame and press the target button on you water gun then shoot the water and the flame will go out.
Did you know: water guns can be topped up at any source of water like showers,toilets,sinks,waterfalls,massage bubblers,koi ponds , the pool on the sun deck and the well in the town square
All you do is go into put an adult in the shed and it will grab a fire extinguisher. But if your shed door isn't open put an adult in the sand then it will say, "fixing shed door," then it will go to the mat and leave then put the adult back on the "welcome" mat and it will unlock the shed door.
In your sims pockets, you have to click on the fire and select extinguish
If there's a fire in sims 2, click on the fire and select extinguish, or go to the phone, and select emergency and the fire man will do it. If you want to start a fire, you can put something in the oven and neglect it, or to instantly start a fire, put an out door park grill inside and grill something (you need a fridge) and the fire will start immediately.
How do you make the pesticides for Mrs. Weeder on Sims 2: Castaway? ... I have the spade but I haven't been able to dig anywhere. ... In sims castaway why do the to men keep attacking me so w I can't go 2 go through the portal to go tho the .... I am having trouble trying to start a fire I can't get the blowing part to work.
Start a Family
there is no fire code
Sims 2 Body Shop is automatically downloaded to your computer when you download the Sims 2 game. You can access it by going to start-> programs-> EA Games-> Sims 2-> Sims 2 Body Shop. You can then go to and download custom content to it. ! :)
Yes, the easiest way is to have someone start cooking on a stove. Then cancel the action and just wait for it to catch on fire.
Make them die with fire.
you cant
You can't get an actual dragon on the Sims 2 for PC. But, you can buy a decoration that has fire shooting from it (apparently there's a dragon inside it). Sometimes, if you get very close to it, it will set your Sims on fire!
The sims 2 body shop basically comes with the sims 2,it SHOULD be in the start menu, NO WEBSITE NEEDED!
All though There is the fire code there is no cheat for it