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Learn how to fish and or collect mushrooms and or study agriculture

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Q: How do you replenish your food on virtual villagers four when you run out of berries?
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Can you get instant food for Virtual Villagers?

No you cannot

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Where is the Virtual Villagers treasure found?

below the food bin next to the ruins

When will the stew be done on virtual villagers 4 the tree of life?

After you put all the ingredients (3 Flowers , Fresh Water And some food from the food bin) then the stew will go black then its done

What does it mean if someone is weakened on virtual villagers?

this usually happens when somebody isn't getting enough food or nearing the end of their life.

How do you fish in virtual villagers 3?

You can buy the farming tech if the villagers don't want to fish any more. Then they will get food from the cocount trees.

Where can you find the second food source in virtual villagers 4?

1. Noni bush 2.crops- from aquetduct from pond/lake

How do you get the chest in virtual villagers?

you need level 3 science and Constitution drag a master builder to the spot under the food bin and next to the ruins

How do you become a farmer master in virtual villagers when berries are gone?

If you wait a little while they will eventually grow back to make it happen quicker go to menu options game speed fast. 😄😄 or you will have to find a new food source like fishing!! See ya that's your tip!! 😉

What are the chief's powers on Virtual Villagers 3?

1. Drop your chief on the food shelter, he should magically create food (about 200 peices). He can only use this ability once every 24 hours.

How do you get food in Virtual Villagers 4?

Near The Science lab or the bridge there is a black berry bush

What is hand of bloom for in virtual villagers 5?

The Hand of Bloom is a god power you acquire in Virtual Villagers 5, and it costs 150 energy to use. When applied to the ground it will cause a bunch of flowers and mushrooms to suddenly sprout. When applied to the farm it will cause the crops to instantly grow. Either way, it's a great way to stretch food supplies.