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You need internet connection to share your creatures online. But with the full version on the box it says you need internet connection.

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Q: How do you repair Spore Creature Creator if it says that you are not connected to the internet and it is a registered legal copy?
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How do you play spore creature creator on internet now?

good question.go on and search for SPORE creature editor demo.

When did Spore Creature Creator happen?

Spore Creature Creator happened in 2008.

Can you get spore creature creator on the ds?

Creature creature is only on PC/MAC. Spore Creature Creator is now on the Nintendo DS

When was Spore Creature Creator created?

Spore Creature Creator was created on 2008-06-18.

Who designed the Spore Creature Creator?

The Spore Creature Creator was designed by Will Wright. You can get more information about the Spore Creature Creator at the Wikipedia. Once on the page, type "Spore Creature Creator" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

Can you transfer Spore creatures from the Creature Creator to the full game?

Yes. It explains in the manual for Creature Creator.

Is spore any different then spore creature creator?

There is Spore, the game, and the Spore Creature Creator, which is part of the game. All versions of Spore the game have the Spore Creature Creator included with them. It is true that the Spore Creature Creator can be played with by itself, but it is not a is a neat art tool.

Do you need the Spore Creature Creator to get Spore?

No, Creature Creator is part of the game Spore and is included with the game. Creature Creator was released separately as a marketing tactic to drive interest for the game's release.

Can you download the creatures you made in creature creator to the spore game?

It transfers them to Spore if Spore Creature Creator is uninstalled.

Where can you get Spore Creature Creator?

You can download the demo on or go to target and buy the full version of the creature creator for $10.00.

What actors and actresses appeared in Creature Creator - 2012?

The cast of Creature Creator - 2012 includes: Alexander Tzavalas as Man

How do you advance a creature in spore adventure creator?

You put things on your creature.