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You cannot turn off the blood but you can turn off the gore. If you turn off the gore it doesn't work in online play

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You Cant move the Blood

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Q: How do you remove blood and gore from COD Black Ops?
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What age rating is cod black ops?

Rated M for blood gore and strong language

Is there gore in cod black op ds?

The only gore in black op's is mainly in the ZOMBIE mode. Campain and multiplayer there's just blood when you shoot/kill someone.

Is cod black ops really graphic?

Not really its more in the campaign where the blood and gore come into place in the multiplayer the most blood and gore is when you knife sometimes a stream of blood will fly across the screen its not that bad

What is cod black ops rated m for?

Call of Duty Black Ops is rated M because it has blood and gore, language, and violence.

Does cod black ops have cursing and gore?

yes a lot

Does cod MW2 have more gore then cod black ops?

no super Mario bros eats chiken wangs

Does Call of Duty Black Ops only have blood?

Call of Duty World at War was the first COD game to have gore and bullets that paint the bodies of your enemies red. COD Black Ops will be like W@W in this regards but the violence will be more detailed.

Why is cod seven an 18?

Because of the Mature rating for strong language, intense violence, and the blood and gore

Why is cod black ops an 18?

I personally don't believe that cod black ops should be an 18. I have played it and i don't think it is actually bad enough to be classed as an 18. if you are concerned you can turn off the blood and gore at any point and if you believe it is too rude you can just turn down the volume. Multi player has reduced blood anyway so i think if you take all that into account it is not an 18.

Does COD world at war have mild language?

No Strong Language gaining a M rating for the Language Blood Gore and Intense Violence

Is COD black ops safe for a very mature 6 year old to see without blood or swearing?

Not at all. There's lots of gore and blood, and the f-bomb is dropped all the time. The labels on video games are there for a reason.... it's rated M.

What is a good first person shooter game with no blood?

CoD black ops :)