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You must complete solar cave (which means you must have 2 keys and the ability to cross water.HM surf is on the 20th floor HM waterfall on floor 10 and the link cable (which can be put together with another item or be used by its self with Pokemon that evolve via trading). You must also complete a few missions.

After you do all of that stuff go to Pokemon square and walk past bellsprout then a spinda will wonder in and fall down. You take it back to your rescue base and it tells you about the mirage Pokemon. Then it will give you a clear wing. You must go to great canyon and meet xatu on the 13th floor. After you meet him you unlock the dungeon Fiery Field.

There are 30 floors then you battle Entei. After you beat him he changes your clear wing into a red wing. Then you unlock Lightning Field. There are also 30 floors in this dungeon. You battle Raikou on the last floor. When you beat it, it turns your red wing into a sunset wing. Then you unlock the dungeon North Wind Field. There are also 30 floors in this dungeon, and at the end you battle Suicune. After you beat it, it turns your sunset wing into a rainbow wing and you unlock Mount Faraway.

Mount Faraway is different from the 3 fields. There is 40 floors and on the last floor you battle Ho-oh. After you beat it, you get warped out of the dungeon. When you wake up in your base, go to Pokemon square and talk to Spinda. After you talk to it, it waddles away.

To get the three legendary dogs you have to battle them again. The likeliness to get them is "unlikely" and you must buy the friend area Sacred Field. To get Ho-oh you also have to battle it again. The likeliness is "very likely". You must also buy the friend area Rainbow Peak.

On the 29th floor of every field you might find a stone. You find a fire stone in Fiery Field, a water stone in North Wind Field, and a thunder stone in Lightning Field. You might need a key to get the stones. Also bring a key to the 30th floor of Mount Faraway. You will get a friend bow (which makes it easier to recruit Pokemon on your team). On the 20th floor of North Wind Field bring a key and you get a lunar ribbon (which helps Eevee evolve into Umbreon).(P.S.) When you go to the three fields and Mount Faraway you must have HM Surf or a Pokemon that knows it. WARNING!!! You must quicksave before entering the 3 fields and Mount Faraway. If you turn off the game, you must start over the dungeons, and you lose all your money and items. If you don't want this to happen quicksave again.(P.S.) You get the keys at the dungeons: Solar Cave and The Desert Region. To get the dungeon The Desert Region you must buy the friend area Furnace Desert.

i will give you a tip

in recruiting him and other legendaries with their original health!!

first,go to a dungeon with a save point (start in magma cavern or sky tower)

bring reviver seed.(do not recruit any pokemon in that dungeon or they will use the reviver seed when they faint)save your progress in a save point at magma cavern or sky tower.when you reach the boss,drop the reviver seed and let him pick it up and circle around the arena 4-5 times then kill him,he will be revived,kill him again and it may ask you to join your team with their original only works on legendary pokemons.BUT!!your leader should be Lv.90-100 w/friend bow and your rank should be gold-lucario rank.

I got all my legendaries with their real health,and got them on the second time i go back there.

Hope this helps and i hope you can get all your remaining legendary pokemons w/their real health^w^

and there are many keys at the western cave.

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13y ago

just have a higher rank and fight him again and there is a 50 to 50 chance he might join you.(the rank is like diamond or a lucario rank) i got him and mewtwo,mew,latias,latios,entei,suicue,three legends birds,groudon,krogre,rayquaza,regiice,registeel,lugia and celabe and I'm not really,reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally liing

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13y ago

make sure you have a secret slab or mystery part in the treasure bag and go to mt. mistral.

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Q: How do you recruit ho-ho on Pokemon Red rescue team?
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Wish Cave 99F