explain how to recognise when a customer is angry or confused
It means you are mad confused and angry.
To be confused, angry or excited.
She was confused at her brother's reaction to the surprise birthday party; she expected him to be surprised and happy but he was actually angry and annoyed.
Frustrated, scared, angry, uncomfortable, nervous and confused.
It's normal to get frustrated or angry when confused and often lose your patience. You just have to find a way to control it and not let your anger hurt others.
There are many feeling you can feel. To name a few, there is feeling happy, sad, angry, confused, elated. Also confused, overjoyed, anxious, scared...there are many ways to feel.
I hope your not considing, because your insides start to fail, and you become very confused and angry
Probably so angry parents could not tell when kids where "swearing". In most families it seems fine, because parents do not fully recognise it as a swearing.
You might be confused with expression "seeing red", which means to be extremely, passionately angry or furious.
Actually, yes. That is the time when hormones cause a child to be confused, arguable, angry.