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At the first time you should be a marine or an advanced marine, to rank higher you should kill more than you die. Like a 100 kills apart you will be professional in rank and 300 kills apart you will be elemination master. I don't know about PROmoted because I haven't gone to that rank yet.

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11y ago

You cannot fly in Plazma Burst 2, but there are a few alike things you can do:

Self Boost: It boosts your jump higher than usual.

How to do it: Equip sword, go to options, put the physics on High if you have Low as normal. Then, jump up, press button X, start slicing your sword.

Low Gravity: There are some maps with low gravity, such as Max Teabag- highrise, if you jump and self boost, you can even go higher than your normal self boost, which is just like flying.

Jump Off a high place: When jumping off, you equip gun Plasma Bloom, ( recommended ) and then press X, and while you're in midair, start shooting the gun at the ground.

Note: If you're doing the last one, it is recommended to do in low gravity.

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12y ago

You can jump higher by accelarating and using sword both at the same time. Or you go game options make the physics low so you can self boost and jump higher than with the swords.

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12y ago

How to glitch on plazmburst2 to is eazy either get a slow computer or get alot of tabs on top of the screen. Have fun!

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12y ago

throw the grenade and then jump on it

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11y ago

with your legs

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