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When the game is open, simply press and hold Alt and Tab at the same time.

Both should be located on the left side of your keyboard.

From here, a rectangle with each window opened should appear and you continue holding Alt while tapping Tab to pick which window to go through, after you let go, the window selected will open.

In a game, the box with windows may not appear, but pressing alt and tab and then letting go will minimize the game.

Hope this helps.. sorry if I make it sound long and confusing :P It's really simple. This may work on Windows computers but does not work on apple/mac computers. Please try and improve this answer.

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To minimize any program into the dock press command+h this will hide the window to bring in back simple press the icon To minimize any program into the dock press command+h this will hide the window to bring in back simple press the icon Alternatively, you can double-click the header bar at the top of the program window. Thsi should minimize the active screen.

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