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If your account is flagged for Wrath of the Lich King, but you did not buy Cataclysm, the game works as normal. However, you will not be able to make Goblin or Worgen characters, learn Archaeology, level above level 80 or access the Cataclysm zones.

All content that existed prior to Cataclysm is still available to you, including the revamped Old World questlines and zones. These are available to all players regardless of which expansions they bought.

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Q: How do you play lich king on wow with new patches for cata?
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Can you play with a vanilla character on Wrath of the Lich king?

Yes, but only if you pay to upgrade from vanilla to burning crusade and then to wrath of the lich king.

Can you play sentence arath of the lich king offline?

You can NOT play World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King offline. It is a Massively Multi-player ON-LINE role-playing game. ON-LINE

Can you play Lich king even if you only have an unupgraded WoW account?

No, in order to play Wrath of the Lich King content (Death Knights, Northrend, max professions, level 80) you are required to pay for Wrath of the Lich King. There would be no sense in making it so you could play wrath content with out upgrading.

Do you have to have burning crusade to play wrath of the lich king?

In order to play World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, you have to have all of the expansions before it. After all, if you look at it this way. Lich king is only an addition to the main game. That's like trying to update software on your computer that doesn't exist :)

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How do you obtain lich king?

To obtain the expansion "Wrath of the Lich King" you simply need to upgrade your account to that expansion. This involves paying for the upgrade. Once you have paid for it, you will have access to the Lich King content (it may take a few hours for the upgrade to go through).If you are referring to the Lich King npc (the big bad dude), you cannot play him. He is non playable.

Can you add burning crusade to a trial account?

No, I think you need to buy the whole game,. Be careful, WoW is very good, and so addictive, but the downloading of updates and patches take a LONG time, 6-8 hours, and you have to do these BEFORE you can play, so worth it though. Also, I would recommend purchasing Wrath of The Lich King, but make sure you install Burning Crusade FIRST, then Wrath of the Lich King

If you have wrath of the lich king trial does the death knight go away when it expires?

either that or they do not allow you to play it.

What do you do if Arthas The Lich King Himself is sleeping on your couch?

You sleep on the ground if that doesnt work play a nicer game

When you download world of warcraft wraith of the lich king do you need disk to play?

Don't think so. You don't need it to play when you load it from the disk.

Do you need to have the first World of Warcraft to play others?

Yes you need the original wow then the burning crusade to get lich king.

Can you play sentence wrath of the lich king offline?

No, it is a Massively Multiplayer ON-LINE role-playing game. It is only ON LINE.