If you don't mind paying you can play world of warcraft :D
A large number of people around the world play Counter-Strike or a form of the game.
The Game BTC is a game where you play with people from around the world so be 19 or older and you need a facebook.
you can play against the cpu or people around the world you can trade cards in the game
It is a game that many people around the world play. It is used for enjoyment puropses.
play a technical video game!
you sit there
x box live allows up to 16 players to play on some games
Get onto a game development company and ask them what they think of your ideas.
The first game that came to my mind was Minecraft. Feed bones to a wolf and you tame the wolf, and it will follow you around and fight for you. There may very well be other games as well, but I don't play all that many to tell you if there where.
no it is not because it's a first player shouter game but you can play online with other people around the world
Digimon World 4.