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buy them. they are available in the properties tab or rackets tab.

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Click on their profile under "My Mafia" on the "Mafia" page, and hit declare war. It should be the first option from your right under their profile info.

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To start your own family and be the Godfather, go to the 'My Mafia' tab, and then click 'Families'. Click the 'Start Your Own Family' button, you will have the option of creating your own Family.

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Either click the declare war icon on the fight list screen or go to their mafia wars profile. if war has not been started on the person in 16 hours then you see an option "declare war"

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No such item exists in mafia wars

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When they go to war their 6 top mafia is displayed. these are the ones that have to be killed to win the war.

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When they go to war have a look at their top mafia.

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On your Mafia Wars Home there's a notification table

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You dont need to make a team. If you mean top mafia, you can click my mafia, then the second ta that opens being my mafia again allows you to go through your mafia. There will be a promote button beside each persons name. alternatively go to a profile of someone ready for war, or use the fightlist and click "declare war" Mafia war codes?


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Is mafia war money is a real money you can get it?

yes. A mafia war individual can go to the restaurant and pay with that money and then the cook gets their income and can themselves pay for, say, their rent. In fact every dollar, euro, yen of mafia war money goes into such circuit.