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This only works with Google chrome. You goto shop pick whatever avatar you want then you open another tab and type about:cache. You find the swf file for it then you click on wrench upper right corner. Save page then goto stuff, avatars and that's it.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

You can find it in stuff. This is an advances maker though.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It is now impossible to make a free avatar on whirled as it is also impossible i am pretty sure to make a kawaii in coins

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Q: How do you make your own avatar on whirled?
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How do you make your avatar bigger on whirled?

Once you resized it press save.

How do you upload a avatar on whirled?

Go to "Stuff" then click "Upload"

How can you get free avatar's on whirled?

No, but I believe you used to be able to. The best you can do now is sell it at the minimum price.

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How do you make your own avatar on the PS3?

You cant.

How do you make your own avater in Fantage?

Usually, you make your own avatar when you sign up, but you can buy clothes, hair, costumes, boards, etc... for you avatar.

Is whirled safe?

it never gave me anything.but one time i loged in and i treated me like i was another avatar but i doesntdo that any more

Can you make your own avatar without Xbox live?

No. yes

Where can you make your own virtual avatar for free? or

What are some virtual?

There is moviestarplanet you make avatar have your own house make friends .

On whirled how do you make actions to avatars?

This is assuming you know how to make states. This is also assuming that you're implying you're creating an avatar in Flash CS3 or CS4. This is also assuming you're using the normal and not the newer (introduced, but not required to be used). To create an action, create a new scene with the naming device action_Name. (if you're using the, you name and export the symbol with the naming style action_Name) For more information on creating an avatar from scratch, view the advanced avatar creation tutorial through the whirled wiki:

Is there a game where you create a avatar and can write notes to yourself?

There is not a game with a made up avatar. There are places where you can make your own game.