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Q: How do you make swamp cooler fan faster?
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Why do we feel relieved under a fan when you prespire?

this is so as the point of sweat is to make you colder when it evaporates off your skin. The fan makes it evaporate faster so you feel cooler and relieved.

Your swamp cooler switch works on high only does not work on low speed?

there is a resistor on the fan motor that has gone bad, some models have a resistor unit mounted near the fan in case this happens.

Why do you get relief under a fan when you are perspiring?

The air blows against the perspiration, and it in turn cools the skin as it evaporates. When a liquid evaporates is cools. This is how a swamp cooler works.

How do you make AMD processors cooler?

By placing an appropriately sized heat sink and fan on them.

How do you repair a swamp cooler?

It depends what is wrong with it. It may need another fan motor or another pump. Other than that, you could have wiring issues or an obstruction in the lines. There really isn't much to them.

How does a hamster respond to heat?

By turning on a fan to make it cooler or taking off a piece of clothing.

How do you replace dell 4550 cooler?

The Dell 4550 cooler can be removed by first removing the metal safety lock that keeps the cooler fan pinned on top of the microprocessor. The wire connecting the fan to the motherboard can then be pulled out gently and a new cooler fan installed.

If i put a wind turbine 5 feet in front of my attic fan outside the house will it burn up my attic fan?

Yes because it will make it spin faster and faster and it will break

If its a 103 degrees outside and you close the window and turn on the fan would it be much cooler?

If it is simply a fan, it would be best to run the fan with the window open. Closing the window will just make it worse.

Does the DataStor Fan Notebook Cooler need an ac adapter or is it powered by the USB cable?

The DataStor Fan Notebook Cooler comes with a usb cable for power.

How do you make pixos dry faster?

to make pixo designs dry faster answer1. put them near a window or a fan. answer2. freeze them. answer3. blow dry them. have fun with your pixos.

What does it mean when your car fan goes faster and make a loud nosie when you step on the paddle?

turn the engine off try turning the fan if it doesnt turn the clutch on the fan is bad it