For ps3 hold x for xbox hold a tap all buttons to apply pressure
You tap L1 or R1 if you have a PS3 or PS2 to toggle it but to actually do the finisher you press it again.
For the PS3, you tap "X" to sprint.
Whether you're referring to Xbox or Playstation, you mash all the buttons (A,B,X,Y/Square, circle, X, Triangle) repeatedly until the Breaking Point bar reaches the top.
it is wrestling where every touch must be an attempt to submit or a procedure of submitting
John Cena retained the WWE Title at Wrestlemania 23 by making Shawn tap out to the STFU.
no u have to be in a hold. ( the walls of jerico is the best)
You have to beat them up quite alot first, then you can either: + Get them on the floor, then quickly tap X (for ps3) and you will start punching them +Hit them with an object (steel chair works best) + Or get them on the ground, pick them up, run (L1 ps3) up behind them, and move the right analog stick in any direction. Hope this helped!
The second tap lowers the pressure.
it tells you when someone is shooting a something at you.if you want to download any tap tap edition free go to
After you complete your FAFSA you begin your TAP application by clicking on the link on your FAFSA Confirmation Page. When you start, you will be prompted to get a HescPIN. You will use your HescPIN to make changes, or check its status.
yes, a few people first one was about a year ago.