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You can got to the Duel arena and buy one form the banker guy next to the hospital

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14y ago

You cannot make a rotten tomato in RuneScape, but you can buy them from tramps at the duel arena for 1gp to throw at people in when they're dueling from the lookout bridges.

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Q: How do you make rotten tomato on RuneScape?
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What do you do with a rotten tomato on RuneScape?

it is used in the duel arena,you must throw the tomato to the players face.But the players must be dueling withe other players

How do you get a rotten tomato on RuneScape?

Seers village, there is a beggar that sells them in a cart. At the dueling arena, you can also purchase them from the banker.

What is red and lumpy?

My poopy after eating rotten tomato

What can one do with left over rotten tomatoes?

Rotten tomatoes can be used in a compost pile as well as being pressed to make a concentrated dye. You can cut away spoiled or rotten sections of the tomato and use the remaining pieces to make a tomato salad. Since split tomatoes will develop mold quickly you will want to wash them completely before cutting them up for human consumption.

Is a tomato smelling rotten evidence of chemical reaction?

Yes, a tomato smelling rotten is evidence of a chemical reaction. The breakdown of organic molecules in the tomato due to microbial action leads to the release of volatile compounds, producing the rotten odor. This process involves chemical changes in the structure of the tomato components.

What are the visible signs that a tomato is rotten?

The main sign that a tomato is rotten is when the skin starts to discolor and become brownish in color. One may also start to detect a bad smell and mold growing on it.

What sports are played in Yugoslavia?

Chicken catching, Rotten tomato eating, Painting fences,

How can you make a watch on RuneScape?

You can't make watches in Runescape.

How do you make a server on RuneScape?

You cannot make a server on runescape!

How will you sell rotten tomato?

You need to find a location where there are some stocks or perhaps a very bad live stage performance.

How you make party hats on RuneScape?

No, you cannot make partyhats in RuneScape.

How do you romance a rashberry?

get a 2 rotten hazelnuts make them eat that and then get 2 rotten gooseberries and make them eat that.