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Q: How do you make lingering potions bottles in minecraft?
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How do you make throwing potions on Minecraft?

Throwing potions in minecraft are called splash potions. To make any splash potions you will need to add gunpowder to it by putting it in the brewing stand, like any other ingredient for the potion.

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How do you make bottles of enchantment on minecraft?

You cannot make bottles of enchanting in Minecraft. The only way to get them currently is through villager trading.

How do you make potions last longer in minecraft?

To make potions last longer, you add redstone to them.

What potions can you make in Minecraft?

There are many potions you can make but you need many different materials to do so first you need to make awkward potions and then you add the fizz like fermented spider eyes magma cream and you can make potions of fire resistance potions of speed potions of regeneration potions of instant health which instantly heal you also instant damage and much more check the wiki by typing minecraft wiki in on google it's a very useful site that's about what you can make

What do ghast tears do in minecraft?

Ghast tears are used to make many potions.

Can you do with a gast in Minecraft?

When you kill a Ghast you often get a "Ghast Tear" which you use to make potions.

How do you get a potion of harming in Minecraft?

To get a Potion of Harming in Minecraft: Brew Awkward Potions: Use Nether Wart on Water Bottles in a Brewing Stand. Brew Potion of Poison: Add a Spider Eye to the Awkward Potions. Brew Potion of Harming: Add a Fermented Spider Eye to the Potions of Poison. For an improved version, add Glowstone Dust to make Potion of Harming II or Gunpowder to make it a Splash Potion of Harming.

How do you make a posion potion on minecraft?

There are no instant kill potions in minecraft at the moment, just potion of harming, which can do 3 or 6 hearts of damage.

How do you make a fireball potion in Minecraft?

There are no fireball potions in Minecraft but to make a fire charge you place a coal, gunpowder and blaze powder anywhere on the crafting grid to get 3 charges.

How do you make a poison potion in Minecraft?

Use Spider eyesUse Fermented spider eyes on Regeneration potions

How do you make a water breathing potion in Minecraft?

In your brewing stand, start with turning the water bottles into awkward potions with nether warts. When that is done, put a puffer fish in to make it into a water breathing potion. To get pufferfish, make a fishing rod and just fish for a while and you can randomly get them. To make the potion last longer, put a redstone dust in.