Electrobuzz evolves into Electrovire. Electrike evolves into Menetric.
Sorry guys, Manetric doesn't evolve. But that doesn't mean that you can't make it super strong.
level 30 or 40
Darumaka evolves into a Darmanitan at level 35.
get electricbuzz to light your way and get sandshrew to dig and puiter to destroy rocks
usually between level 33 and 35 and plus you spelled evolve wrong
He has a Voltorb, an Eletrike a Manetric, and a Magneton.
Manetric doesn't evolve.
I forgot what town it's in but you go to a fossil musem and the guy there turns your fossil into a Pokemon for you after you go out of the musem
PHANPHY.when battling manetric,ground is the best to choose
?Currently have Absol, skarmory, whiscash, gardivoir and slaking. Debating machoke or manetric, what do you think?