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One of the most popular admin commands script is "Person229's admin commands". You can find these commands on the free models. There are also numerous other VIP command scripts available on the free models which you can use.

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Q: How do you make commands for your place on roblox?
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Related questions

How do you make yourself admin on roblox?

Well if you mean ROBLOX company admin, like Telamon or Keith, you can't just become one. If you mean like admin commands then you add an admin commands script into your place and say some of the commands it comes with.

What is the Lua script for Roblox to make commands?

Admin commands? There are many in free models.

How do you use admin commands?

It depends where you are in the game! If you are in someone else's game, You would need to buy the shirt or ask the owner to make you admin, If you are in your place, You would need to open roblox studio and put in admin commands script -CaptianC3 (Roblox)

How do you make people admins on roblox?

There is no way to make another user an admin on the Roblox website. However, you can give a user admin-like powers within your place using an admin commands script. Check out the related questions below for instructions on how to use an admin commands script.

How do you ban people from your place in roblox?

To ban someone from your place you must have an admin commands script. you put there name in the the Banned list. Or just simply get the banned from roblox lol

How do you command on roblox?

Well, that all depends on the game. Some people on Roblox make commands in their games. You just have to type a command, if there is commands in the game. Ask the owner of the game for the command list.

How do you make your place able to be searched on roblox?

By default when you make a place it is searchable on Roblox. However, if you have multiple places that are inactive, or you accidentally set your place to inactive, it will not be searchable. To fix this go to "My Roblox"/places, and click "make this place active" on your place.

Which roblox admin commands are better BCGames Admin Commands Kohls admin commands or Person299s Admin commands?

Majority of users will agree that the best robot admin commands to use are the Person299 Admin commands. The reason is Person299 admin commands have the most to utilize in roblox.

How 2 make a place inactive on roblox?

you go to my roblox, places, then scroll to which place you want to make inactive, and click " make inactive"

How do you make a roblox?

U make a roblox with cheeze

How do you make a command on roblox?

With a little knowledge of how to script, you can add your own commands to a VIP commands script. If you don't know how to script, you can learn by following the tutorials on the Roblox wiki. There are also numerous fan-created tutorials on the Internet which you can find by searching Google for "Roblox Scripting Lessons".

How do you make an admin list on roblox?

First open your place in the Roblox studio. Then open the insert window and go to free models. Search for "admin commands" and insert one, then edit the script to have your name (and anyone else you want to be admin) in the admins list.