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Sadly, there are no vampires in The Sims 3.

Yet, you can add the additional game Late night, which adds vampires.

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Q: How do you make a vampire in Sims 3?
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How do you make your sim a vampire on Sims 3 the code for making vamps on sims 2 doesnt work on 3?

My guess is that you can't make your sim to a vampire on the sims 3.

How do you make your sim a vampire without sims 2 nightlife?

you can't u can only make your sim a vampire in sims 2 nightlife and sims 3.

Can you make your sims a vampire on The Sims 3?

You may have to get the expansion pack named Late Night before otherwise you could be a vampire on the normal Sims 3 game if you can find a vampire to bite you

Can vampires be pregnant on The Sims 3?

Yes Vampire Sims can become pregnant in the sims 3. In fact vampirism is genetic in sims 3. eg: Sim+Vampire= Sim/Sim/Vampire/Vampire Sim+Sim=Sim Vampire+Vampire=Vampire

How do you make a vampire on sims3 on playstation 3?

You have to get sims 3 late night to make a vampire, at this time it is only available for pc and mac. Im sorry but you can't do it on the regular sims 3 for ps3.

Can you make your vampire sim turn to a bat on The Sims 3?

They can't.

Can you become a vampire in Sims medieval?

No. You can only be a vampire if you get the sims 3 Late Night.

How do you get a red ghost in the Sims 3?

not in the basegame, but if you have late night you have to make the sim a vampire, and make him/her die of thirst (which is hunger for normal sims)

Can you make a vampire in sims 3 generations?

if you have late night andgenerations installed then yes.

How do you be a vampire on the Sims 3?

You cant

In the sims 3 can you make vampires get married?

Yes you can the vampire sim can do the same as a normal sim.

What can you turn your sim into on The Sims 3?

You can turn them into a vampire if you have the sims 3 late night.