I guess you download the spy sweeper, track the hacking tool and put it in quarantine.
use the costumizer tool and copy it from the other spies
what are the parts required to make a mini spy camera
you make it
all you need is a creative spy mind
Make sure to make the correct structures, and than hit the 'train spy' button
all you need is a creative spy mind
You don't. You have to get a grabbling hook from a spy and use it.
The wrench is in your spy phone, there is a button on the spy phone that gives you three tools, a wrench, scissors, and a comb.
What are you talking about? There is spy island, where you are a spy and are on a mission, but you cannot "make your own mission".
Get a bunch of your friends and then talk about making a spy group and if they all agree then congrats now you have a spy group.