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You can't! Narcissistic people are self-absorbed and very clever people. You won't win. The best thing is to stay out of their way and don't have relationships with them. They will always be right and you will always be wrong. Don't play the head games with them because they love that. Move on. Good luck Marcy

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Q: How do you make a narcissist accountable for their lies without looking bad?
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What style would a narcissist use in beginning of a relationship?

Charm to get you to think that he's one of a kind and too good to be true (which he turns out to be). Lies, lies and more lies.

Will a narcissist destroy those who back them in corner over their lies?

They sure will TRY! Two words: NO CONTACT!

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Why is your ex narcissist partner telling lies about you?

It is what they do. Why do flies fly? That is what you would expect them to do. They are very self centered. That is why you don't get involved with people like that.

Where can one find out what white lies are?

You can find out what white lies are by looking for it in the dictionary or look it up on different sites to see what they have to say about white lies.

What is the difference between fibs and lies?

Fibs are lies without much importance and that are harmless.

Why does a narcissist keep another women a secret from ex partner?

Narcissists need to keep their various relationships and acquaintances separate from each other so that the various groups or individuals cannot get together and"compare" notes since the life of a narcissist is based on lies, illusions and delusions. This is essential to the narcissist because they lie so much about everything and because they create false "realities" in order to impress others.

Where does the body in the library take place?

Gossington Hall which is the home of Mrs. Bantry and Colonel Bantry.

Will a narcissist act in a rage when you expose all his lies?

It is quite likely. The best way to deal with a narcissist (if you must) is to do so as little as possible, and without crossing them. Your best shot is to exclude them from your life. If you expose them - be sure you are not doing it out of revenge. And be ready for the rage OH YES ! Months after my N and I broke up, he started harassing me. I caught him cyber stalking me. He claims it was his current gf doing it. Anyway, I exposed all his lies and he went into a rage and threatened to ruin my life and post naked pics he had of me on the internet. It got really ugly. He just couldn't handle that I had him all figured out.

what do you call a person, who lies every time they open their mouth even when proven of false statements?

Sounds like a compulsive liar or a narcissist

How would a narcissist feel at being discarded with no explanation and then ignored from a person he did this to repeatedly?

My narcissist or rather ex-narcissist could not stand it. He called repeatedly. I ignored his calls. He finally showed up at my office and said he felt "teary-eyed." Only a narcissist would SAY he felt teary-eyed wherein most men try to hide their tears. I finally agreed to listen to more lies of how he missed me and needed me (even though he has since moved in with another woman). I actually started to believe in him again. For about a day. Then I heard he'd told people he wanted to be advised if my co-worker ever got divorced because he is interested in her. The lies never stop! And they get worse as they get older. Now I'm back to not answering his calls again.

What happens when the narcissist's get caught in there lies?

They lie some more....the N I'm married to will lie about the lie he lied to cover up the lie about the lie he lied....and then lie again... New answer-They say you are having too much imagination and then they lie again explaining the other lies with new lies....mine told me i should go ahead and write a fiction book ....