Right click on it using bone meal. To get bone meal, you need to obtain a bone and then put it in your crafting table.
The big mushrooms have not been added to the mobile version of Minecraft yet.
You can make Mushroom Stew with a bowl.
There's no way to get bonemeal...
Make sugar, and get a brown mushroom and a spider eye.
a bowl with both types of mushroom on top of eachother.
With a bowl you can make mushroom soup, but you need brown and red mushrroms
You can make mushroom stew with a red mushroom and a brown Mushroom but bowl on the bottom and the mushrooms ontop of it in the Crafting Table. Hope this helped! Varian Wyrnn!
Combine it with red and brown mushrooms to make mushroom stew
spawn it in
no you can't. I've tried EVERYTHING! I just don't think you can.
with fermented spider eye (spider eye, brown mushroom, and sugar)