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A great place to make a website for anything from games to buisness in its free and you can make a lot of games or you can get links to games to put on ur website. a good gaming website is and become a memeber because it has a mini arcade and has a social world under carcade and it has links to good games. and new games plus things to say about games and it also has a blog.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Well there are quite a few ways of making a gaming website.. If you are a beginner of making a website maybe start with a website made for you and hosted for you. Such as webs but as for webs they do not have good gaming templates and most other free hosting site may not have the templates so here is what i do.

1.Find a good host that is mainly up most of the time (It could effect your visitors and your website)

2.Once you have the website/host up and running find the template you want if you will like a good one you will need to pay and yes most of the stuff you need for a good website you do need to pay not much.

3.Get a domain...I am guessing there around about £3-£7 a month or maybe more

4.That is about it really ......
First you need games, Flash/Java games that work best, because they can be 'embedded'. You then need a website you can put up on the web.

Look up some tutorials on how to make a website (and if you can a website for free) if you do not already know how to make one. It gets technical. Very technical.

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Where can you make a game website? try this website if not than

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go to make an account and click make game,don't worry its a perfictly safe website

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Go to, you can make a website there my website: you can use it to get ideas if you want °u° (<--supposed to be a smiley face)

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http.// game game makers