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You have to take firewood and dry grass to the black firepit next to the hut

* The firewood is located by the bee hive

* the dry grass is located by the waterfall ( to the left of the lab)

*drag a villager to both of them and they will take it to the firepit

*after you have both dry grass and firewood there take a villager and drag it to the firepit and they will start the fire

Hope this helps

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12y ago
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11y ago

You take the wood from the pile then have a villager pick up the dry grass which is near the stairs and when both wood and grass are in a pile, drop a villager on it and they will light the fire.

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15y ago

To Start a fire you'll need some drywood and dry grass. After you put them on the fireplace You yust put a viliger to on it to start the fire.

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9y ago

You can't because the house already had a fire that's why you have a burnt room.

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13y ago

Just cook

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Q: How do you make a fire in virtual villagers 3?
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What is Virtual Villagers 3?

The third game in a game sieries called Virtual Villagers.

How do you get rid of the bees on Virtual Villagers?

you put your person on the torches next to the hive and light them on fire and your person will automatically move to the hive to calm the bees down then a person will try to extract the honey they may not get it on the first try because it is new to them

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Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City, is available to download on line for £12.27.

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Yes it does i played number one a few times and then i tried the rest . Although i would say the best two games from virtual villagers is virtual families and virtual villagers 5

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There is no well in Virtual Villagers 3. The well is found in the first game only; I suppose the equivalent in the second and third versions would be the fire.

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How do you collect dry grass and light a fire in virtual villagers 3 tree of life?

All you have to do to start a fire on any of the virtual villagers is find the dry grass and the wood. After that you put a villager on the place where you see the dead grass/wood they will collect it and bring it to the fire place. Then after the grass and wood are collected put your villager on the fire place and the fire will start!

When is Virtual Villagers 3 coming out?

Web site is the only answer. Virtual Villagers: The Secret City, or as you know, Virtual Villagers 3, will come out in the Spring of 2008. I do not know the exact date of when this new game will come out. But all I know is that it will come out in the Spring.