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Wait until Geno learns the "Geno Whirl" special attack. Then use it on an enemy. When the light disks leave the screen, press Y. This doesn't work on bosses (like Mack), minibosses (like Croco) or the chest creatures (Pandorite, Hidon, Box Boy, Chester)

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Q: How do you make 9999 damage with geno on super Mario RPG?
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What happed to geno in super Mario rpg?

At the end of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Geno turned back into a star and ascended to the Star Road.

When will Geno return to any games in the future such as kingdom hearts or Super Mario series?

Well the only two games Geno has ever appeared in are 1: Super Mario RPG legend of the seven stars 2: Mario and Luigi superstar saga Other than that he has not been announced to be in any other games.

Does anyone else think Geno from Super Mario RPG deserves to be in another game?

YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! From-a what Mario tells me, Geno is-a AWESOME! Yes, dude. You're not alone. Geno is awesome and one of my favorite Mario characters of all time. Probably my favorite good guy in the Mario series of all time. I have bad guys that I like better than Geno though. Anyways, yes. Geno rocks and deserves to be in another game.

How do you do the geno whirl glitch in Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars?

you have to hit "Y" as soon as the attack leaves the screen

Why is the character Geno not owned by Nintendo?

Because Square Enix and Nintendo made the game (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars) together and Square Enix developed Geno therefore Square Enix has all rights to Geno's usage and not Nintendo. PS--- I know it sucks.

Why do people want Geno in SSB4 I mean I never wanted him in the game because he shows NO importance to Mario nor Square Enix so why do people want him in SSB4?

The cause for this is likely due to the positive response gained from Super Mario RPG, one of the last games released for the Super Nintendo. The game did sell quite well and received positive reviews. Geno played a vital role in the game and happened to be an extremely useful character for his ability to put out massive damage if timed correctly.

When will Geno from Super Mario Bros Series come back?

It is unknown. Unfortunately, since Square Enix owns the rights to the character, Nintendo cannot put him in another Mario game without their permission. So the chance if Geno is to return is if Nintendo and Square Enix make another RPG together.

Can you still play as Geno after you beat Super Mario RPG?

If you saved before you battled Smithy, cuz there is no after game stuff, you will, but no. You cant play after, you have to restart and keep playing.

Who is Geno from Super Mario RPG?

Geno is a allie of Mario (and possibly a star spirit) from Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars. He was originally a star warrior, but when Exor, the giant sword, smashed Star Road, releasing the seven stars, he went on a quest to find them. He took the over the toy doll of a small boy named Gaz. He has extraordinary power and is very strong. For more info check out the link below. A cameo he made as a doll was in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga in a mini-game.

What Is MarioKart?

It is a racing game made by Nintendo you can be some of the Mario charactars like Mario, luigi, bowser, toad and Yoshi. you can do grand prix time trials battle ( I think you can play battle and vs ) I think it is fun.

How do how get Geno in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?

Geno is not playable nor does he make an appearance . He is no longer property of Nintendo.

Why is Geno not in Super Smash Brothers Brawl?

wolf is not the last character in brawl geno is you have to choss romdom and do the costum thing and you have geno (subspace emissary must be done)