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Usually, the Sim will be moaning and holding their stomach. They will also be throwing up and running to the toilet every so often. They should be in a full-fledged pregnancy within one to three days. If they aren't pregnant by then, have them go back to bed and see if the optioin "Try For Baby" is there. If not, keep waiting.

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14y ago

after you make your dogs "get it on" if u hear the sound like when a human gets pregnant u know

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Q: How do you know if your dog is pregnant on sims 2?
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How do you know when your sim is pregnant in sims 2 for GameCube?

Usually when your sim is pregnant it will show in a few days on the Sims. Getting pregnant in the Sims is very hard just because you WooHooed does not mean you will get pregnant. Hope this helps!

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Two to three days approximately. :)

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I think 2 to 3 days. You will not see the dog psychically change however.

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You need sims 2 pets. Buy a pet house. Have a male and female dog who have high relationships with each other and your sim. Have your sims selected, click either dog and click try for puppy/kitten with... the other dogs name. The dog won't show its pregnant, but eventually it will have a puppy.(if everything went right)

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