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You will have two ghosts for that course- your best time, and the new ghost time.

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Q: How do you know how many fast staff ghosts you have in Mario kart wii?
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Who do you unlock funkykong on Mario Kart wii?

Get four fast staff ghosts.

Mario Kart wii how do you get baby luigi?

unlock 8 fast staff ghosts or beat 100 ghosts (your choice)

What are the expert staff ghosts in Mario Kart?

look on your wii

How do unlock expert time trials in Mario kart wii?

If you meant fast staff ghosts, go to to check how.

How do you unlock 4 expert staff ghosts on mario kart wii?

to unlock any expert staff ghosts in Mario Kart Wii, you gotta beat the normal ghost in the time trials.

What are staff ghosts on Mario Kart wii?

Staff Ghosts Are The Time Trial Ghosts Left By The Game Testers Before The Game Was Released

How do you get every character on Mario Kart Wii?

Unlock all fast staff ghosts and achieve a 1-star rank on every cup.

What are the times to unlock the b-dasher in Mario kart wii?

You have to unlock 24 Expert Staff Ghosts (also known as Fast Staff Ghosts). To do that, you must beat the regular ghost by 7 or more seconds.

How do you unlock the sprinter on Mario Kart wii?

Unlock 24 fast staff ghosts. You get fast staff ghosts by beating the first ghost by seven seconds or more. The sprinter is very fast and has great handiling, but does not have very good off-road or Mini-Turbo.

What are the easiest Staff Ghosts to Unlock on Mario Kart DS?

Luigi Curcuit

How do you get more characters in Mario Kart wii?

By beating cups in the Grand Prix, by playing Time Trials, and by unlocking fast staff ghosts in Time Trials.

How do you get to staff ghosts on Mario Kart wii?

You have to beat the ghosts that have the NIN, the star then its name. For example, "NIN*Poochy." But u have to beat them 7 seconds faster! After it says u created a ghost, in the lower left corner it will say "YOU MADE A FAST STAFF GHOST!" Or somthing like that.. Unlock 8 fast staff ghosts to unlock baby luigi! 4 to unlock Funky Kong! + They are called FAST staff ghosts!