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you press w 1 time press it 2 times to double jump

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Q: How do you jump in arcane the armor collector?
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How do you delete items from your invetory on arcane armor collector?

You move the item to the shop.

Arcane the armor collector cheats?

yes beat the brown mine and Egypt bosses with the hammer and horden suit 2 times then you will have all of the armor suits

How do you defeat the 4Th master on arcane the armor collector?

you just have to win your previos battles un till you get lots of coins

When is Arcane the armor collecter 2 coming out?

at 4012 lol

Is there any cheats for Arcane the armor collector?

yes make yore other team members white haired like arcane complete the Egypt and brown mine boss levels (the first Egypt and brown mine boss levels) twice with the hordan suit and hammer and all armor is unlocked Also go to the main menu, Then press control w and you have unlimited money

Will there be a arcane the armor collecter 2?

yes, there will be one. it is scheduled to be out at February 15, 3015.

What is the music used in Arcane the armor collector?

Chronic Master By Jewberg DJ Comet-Rapture By Thecomet Double Damage By Paragon9X Nitro Rave By Zero-Bass Section 6 By Hex72 P.S Go to the Main Menu And click Credits it says Music

What is the nicest armor in AQWorlds that is not upgrade?

i think the nicest armor was juggernaut item armor , from "jugger naut item of nulgath" quest , those was "Warlord of Nulgath" and "Arcane of nulgath" , you can check it at google .. but its preety hard to get .

Where to get chroconaut armor in aq worlds?

from the collector at future

How do you get collector armor in mass effect 2?

The collector armor can be found in the collectors edition or in the Recons Operation Pack

Aqworlds how do you change your armor color?
