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I recommend you get a large amount of flat land to practice. To triple jump, you jump into the air while you are running forward. Next, when you land, jump again. The second jump should be higher than the last one. Finally, just as you land, jump one more time, which will send you spinning through the air. Keep practicing, and you'll have it down in no time.

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14y ago

Press A on the keyboard.

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Q: How do you jump in Sonic in Mario World?
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How doo you jump in sonic lost in Mario world?

You press "A" on the keyboard to jump.

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Recommended to use Youtube. Search up Sonic lost in Mario World Walkthough.

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a is to jump

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If you mean on the old sega games, Sonic can jump on top of enemies (Mario-style) but that's it.

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Sonic. Mario saves a princess from a giant turtle and can barely speak. Sonic saves the world (and even the universe) from destruction, and is just badass.

Sonic lost in Mario World?

Sonic lost in Mario world is when Sonic wakes up and he finds a hole so he goes though it and he is in Mario world. He needs to get out of this world. You have to beat the game without dieing.I don't really play the game because it's hard to me.I just think it is to hard.

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