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Well, in your crew there will be an 'Elevator' and it will say how many gems you earn as a group, the more gems you earn, the higher this will go up, if the bar gets past one of the rewards, you will receive it at the end of the month, if that bar can stay past the reward.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

You must be invite ;]


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βˆ™ 13y ago

You see someone who owns his/her own crew and ask to join. they will invite you to their crew and you may click yes or no. then you are a part of their crew. my crew is the Golden lords.

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Q: How do you join a crew on ourworld?
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How do you add crew members on ourworld?

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Is ourworld free?

You can do weekly gem codes and when you join you get 20 gems my user name is Alison284.I am a hot ourworld.

What are your Ourworld gem codes for November's?

Click the to join Ourworld, and here's' a code: 411E-23E7-FD62-E16F.

How do you create a crew in ourworld?

you have to be on at least level 25, and you have to go crew control and click on melvin. you have to pay 50 gems to make one though.

Who can you visit on ourworld?

You can visit anybody you want, as long as they have an ourWorld account. If your friends dont have an account, you can e-mail them asking to join! Or, just tell them in real life. I hope you have fun with your account :)) I'm a big ourWorld fan

How do you send a photo to a crew album in ourworld?

How to send a photo to your crew in ourworld : 1. Take a picture. 2. Once you're done taking the photo click on the square which will be putted a check mark. 3. Now that you have a check mark by the photo look at the right side near the close button and click Send to Crew. And it will say its has sended!!

How do you quit a crew on ourworld?

Go on ur crews page and in the bottom left corner there is a red circle with a line across it and next to it, it says 'leave'. Click that and ur out of the crew!!

Are there any ourworld gems codes that are worth more than 20 gems?

No,there are no gem codes worth more than 20 gems yet. There was but I dont think they will be some now. If it will and you wonder what is it, go to and you might find it! Good luck! The 50 gem code was a fake by the way, LastCookie made it up!!! Hope I helped ;) There is a crew you can join who do contests. YOU CAN WIN 600 GEMS! Join and get gift, prizes, gems, and more! :)

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I believe you need to be accepted to work for Outsmart, the company that owns Smallworlds in order to join the Smallworlds Crew.

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None of them has still joined Luffy's crew. But Silvers Rayleigh is not gonna join the crew. Whether Jinbei joins or not will be decided in Chapter number 649.

How did Christopher Columbus convince a crew to join him?

Christopher Columbus lied to his crew about the distance.