First, you download the pez bots mod from this website or any other website: Then after you have downloaded the file, go to the Call of Duty 4 folder. After that, you drag the pez bots folder that you downloaded into the mods folder which will be inside the call of duty 4 folder. After that, you go to the multiplayer cod, then go to options, press enable consoles and dont allow punk busting. then, you got to the mods folder, click on pezbots then the mod will be launched. Finally you create a server , and when the game has begun, press ` or the button below escape( if you're using a mac or some other computers/ laptop) press / then type in svr_pezbots 1 and 1 is the number of bots you want. so in other words type in this /svr_pezbots 1 but be sure to press the button below escape! happy coding
You must really suck. "Invisible to Pezbots". lol
well call of duty and modern warfare are the same it is called Call of Duty: Modern warfare and then came call of duty: modern warfare 2
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out first. This is the first game in the Modern Warfare series, and Modern Warfare 3 is the third game in the Modern Warfare series.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare came before Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
no theres a call of duty modern of warefare 2
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was just before Call of Duty: World At War, and Modern Warfare 2 came just after it. Unless its on the Wii, on the Wii its WaW the Modern Warfare but its called Modern Warfare Reflex
"Call of Duty 6" "MW2" "Modern Warfare"
"Call of Duty 6" "MW2" "Modern Warfare"
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
modern warfare 2 is the sequel to the first mw and the reflex is the first modern warfare but a wii version
Yes the Full title is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and it is often called MW2 or Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2