As a teenager I was drug down a gravel road for several hundred feet while doing something really stupid. I had severe road rash on my back and buttocks. I had to have the affected areas scrubbed every day to remove the scab that had formed over the past 24 hours. This went on for about three weeks. The hospital gave my mother this soft bristled all plastic brush and she had to use warm soapy water. This was extremely painful and no joy at all, even with the prescription pain killers. But in the end I had no scarring, but to this day I cannot tan in the affected areas, they will burn, but not tan. Hope this helps.
It is not necessary to visit your doctor if you have molescum. It is a rash that will eventually heal on its own without scarring. If the rash persists seeing a doctor would be a good idea to ensure it is not anything else.
Moderate burns may heal in 10-14 days and may leave scarring.
Your ear chould heal without scarring wiht a proper piercing and after care.
Road Rash happened in 1991.
Road Rash was created in 1991.
road rash sting for how long
you wait for it to go away
In many cases, an anti-fungal cream will heal a chronic rash under the breasts of a diabetic. Check with your doctor to make sure the rash is fungal.
Rubbing acid into open wounds is going to be painful. The rash will heal on its own. Keep it clean and dry.
If you click on 'related links' below the instructions are given for downloading Road Rash
If you click on 'related links' below the instructions are given for downloading Road Rash
Critical or major burns take more than 14 days to heal and will leave significant scarring.