there is no god mode in diablo 2 closed you can use hacks to get over powerd heros and gear like hero editor for offline and open battle net
Andriel ofcourse :D
there is no god mode only overpowerd hacked gear for offline and open
Mephisto, who is the God of Hatred, is the oldest, Baal, God of Destruction, is middle, Diablo, God of Terror, is youngest.
There are no torches in Diablo 2
No, Diablo I has nothing to do with Diablo II.
you dont
yeah man diablo 2 is a totally different game than diablo 1
Annihilus is a charm dropped by Uber Diablo on Diablo 2. To get the item, you will have to kill him first.
There is currently no Diablo 2 supervisor.
mostimpressive=god mod goodblasteratyourside=infiit amo
Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction
No, you can't.