You do not download free rider 1 or 2... you go to and play it there.
You go to
You can't hack free rider 2 just search free rider 2 cheat codes but if you want an even better free rider search free rider 2 new vehicles
Search for Free Rider 2 on
Free Rider and Free Rider 2 were created by Pete.
ANSWER#1: go to google and type in unblocked free rider 2 and click on the one that says fun @ school im 14 i go to school and i do this all the time. ANSWER#2: Well, it depends on the school you go to. Like my friends school does not block Kongregate or AddictingGames but I go to or for my school games.
type in google: free rider 2 not blocked at school :)
You can't hack into Free Rider 2 unless you have the game file.
u go to free rider 2 (duh) then you go to the options on the right side and you see an icon that looks like a folder then you click and do your bogas stuff. by the way the cheat codes are just a bunch of fake stuff
You don't need to download free rider 2 just click below link to play it online.
There are several Free Rider 2 tracks with big jumps on various websites, such as FR2DB.FR,, and
The only aerial vehicle in Free Rider 2 is the helicopter. Doubt they will ever make any more aerial vehicles.