tell me
its Nintendo wifi connection its like your code that you have on your ds its like the wii with the friend code :)
you have to enter Nintendo WFC
Are you talking about your friendship code? If yes, Your friendship code allows you to visit other towns, or people to visit your town using Nintendo WFC. To do this you must first get your code. a) You MUST be able to connect to Nintendo WFC. If your having trouble, visit b) play your character and talk to Copper at the gate c) tell him you 'want to go out' d) connect with Nintendo WFC. e) he will notice you will not have a friend code, and will ask you if it is okay to do a test connection. f) he will test the connection, if you were successful, you have your friend code! If not, visit and check the animal crossing wild world booklet. In order to connect using Nintendo WFC, you must exchange friend codes with your friend. Type there name, town, then the code in your friend roster. Now you can connect with friends. Because you need a friend code to play WFC, this prevents people you don't know from entering your town.
Go to Nintendo WFC>friends>register a new friend code. then put your friend's code. My online name: 2TR*BadLuck
On your Pal Pad in the Key Items pocket of your bag. You will not have a friend code until you access the WFC network at least once.
ok my friend code is 2235 4504 4854 but i want infernape with a rash nature
on the start screen it has continue, go rescue ... and the bottom one says Nintendo WFC. go on to it and next click 'my friend code' and it gives you one
if your doing wfc yes, any other connection used doesnt even need a friend code
To get a friend code make sure your Nintendo WFC is on and that your job with tom nook is done then go to the town gate and talk to Copper and select friend code and make sure you write it down if you don't want to keep going back to Copper to remember your friend code.
You must have a working WFC. IF you do, you are in luck. If you do, go to your Pal Pad. If you dont have one, you get one from one of the ladies in the basement of Pokemon Center. Go into it, and your code will be in there.