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You have to activate the three lunar landers (by flying all three of them), then launch the rocket by flicking the switch which is by the power switch where the mystery box is. You then go down to the big warehouse doors and it's in there.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

You have to Activate all of the time travel things that transport u around the map. then u need to activate the rockets . there you go

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Q: How do you get to the pack a punch machine on ascension?
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Where is the pack a punch in ascension?

First turn on the power. Then use/link all three landers. Then return to the machine where you turned on the power and launch the rocket. The pack a punch is in the room next to the launch pad.

Where is the pack-a-punch on the ascension zombie map?

you can only go to the pack a punch room when the rocket lauckes then under where the rocket was is the pack a punch room

Where is the pack a punch in verruckt?

Verruckt does not have the Pack-A-Punch machine only Der Riese and the Black Ops Zombie Maps (excluding Dead Ops Arcade) have the Pack-A-Punch machine.

How do you get in the pack-a-punch room in assention?

Ascension has been added to the related links here is the quoted section on the pack a punch machine: "To gain entry to the Pack-a-Punch Machine, all lunar landers' landing pads must be used. Once a player has ridden all three back to the Centrifuge Room, the player can activate the rocket by pressing the button to the right of the power switch. After the rocket has taken off, the large door concealing the launch area will open and the Pack-a-Punch Machine will be to the right. It costs 5000 points as usual. Unlike Kino der Toten, players can stay in the Pack-a-Punch room for as long as they like. There are two barricades in here to make camping harder." There is also a related link for the Pack-Punch Machine Room that has been added and includes more than just the Ascension Map. It also includes Der Riese, Kino der Toten, and Five along with Trivia a link to a weapons section for Pack a Punch and information on Achievements and Trophies

Can you get to the pack a punch machine while on multiplayer on zombie mode?

If the map has a Pack-a-punch machine then you are able to access it on solo and multiplayer mode.

Does ascension have a pack a punch?

It yes, it does. You have to activate all the lunar landers, and then activate the launch by pressing the button right next to the power switch. Then go find the pack a punch.

How do activate the pack a punch machine in nazi zombies 4?

First activate the three teleports, then the pack a punch machine is active. the price is 5000 points, but that is how you get your weapons upgraded.

What happens if you put a pack a punched weapon in the pack a punch machine?

The big bang.

Is there a pack a punch machine on zombie verruckt?

No I'm afraid.

How do you pack a punch a death machine?

you can't, it's only a bonus

Can you pack a punch the death machine in black ops?

no you cannot... However in the map Dead Ops Arcade the death machine is pack a punched when you attain it...

Can you get unlimited death machine?

yes actually and all you have to do is pack-a-punch it and you can keep it