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Which round of preliminaries? For Round 1, go to ACDC Square: just follow the yellow brick road. For Round 2, go to Sci-Lab Square: again, just follow the yellow brick road. But for Round 3, this isn't even necessary: you show up in Yoka Square by virtue of simply getting on the cybermetro. Now ain't that somethin'. You may need a longsword E to advance at one point, from the Sci-Lab Square area.

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Q: How do you get to the n1 grand prix preliminary place on megaman battle network 3 white?
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Can a preliminary hearing be held without the defendant?

Yes. Grand Jury.

What purpose does a grand jury or preliminary hearing serve?

Depending on the state you are in (some use the Grand Jury System and others use the Preliminary Hearing system) it is the hearing at which the defendant is formally charged with the offense he was arrested for.

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A preliminary hearing might better balance the rights of society and the rights of the accused. With a preliminary hearing a judge is going to weigh the evidence and decide if there is enough evidence for trial. With a grand jury, a group of citizens decides if there is enough evidence for trial.

When did Battle Grand Prix happen?

Battle Grand Prix happened in 1992.

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Battle Grand Prix was created on 1992-03-27.

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A defendant has the ability to get both a preliminary hearing and a Grand Jury?

No they are not allowed to both, they must choose between the two.

What is procedure if criminal cases?

•Initial Appearance •Filing Charges •Preliminary Hearing •Grand Jury •Arraignment •Trial •Sentencing

Is it proper for a prosecutor to bypass and cut off the preliminary hearings by securing an intervening indictment?

There is nothing necessarily proper or improper about it. The prosecutor at least in CA has an absolute right to have either a preliminary hearing or a get a grand jury indictment.