You can find Admiral Leonard on the top left "arm" of Starfish Isle. He is underneath the palm tree directly right of the dock going from Starfish to the southern tip of Jungle Isle.
Bess is on the Northwestern arm of Starfish Isle. Just look for the docks, she's the harbormistress.
Horse Isle and Horse Isle 2 are fun.
On the left arm of starfish isle.
Esrohs is a kind of horse on horse isle 2 but that horse is not ready real
There isn't a Hare isle on Horse Isle 2, only Horse Isle 1, where you get to it from Earton dock.
1 - Earton, Horse Isle 2 - Appleton Horse Isle 3 - Treeton, Horse Isle 4 - Art Isle 5 - Dolphin Isle 6 - Shellton, Turtle Isle 7 - Wington, Bird Isle 8 - Hotton, Desert Isle
Jungle Isle by far!horse isle answer:
Trainer LocationsSpeed-Earton (Horse Isle)Strength-Appleton (Horse Isle)Agility-Treeton (Horse Isle)Endurance-Hotton (Desert Isle)Conformation-Witherton (Rider Isle)--LadyRose (Grey Server)
you can try horse land and horwse but i think horse isle is more fun
southeastern tip of starfish isle
Horse Isle answer--> Nelson <-- From Dreygon Roan server.