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go to the the back of the bank and buy it ,or get a cheat code

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Q: How do you get to lexcorp in Lego batman 2?
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lego suck thats it

How do you get to the villen levels in LEGO batman 2?

it is sad but there are no villan levels in lego batman 2

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Can you play as Superman in LEGO Batman?

No, Superman is not an available character in the Lego Batman video game, but he will be in Lego Batman 2 DC TM superheroes!

Is Lego batman 2 for Nintendo or just Nintendo 3DS?

Yes, there is lego batman 2 to the DS system

Is LEGO batman 2 better than LEGO pirates of the carrabein?

LEGO Batman is better because I played the game Batman 2 it was awesome, I played the trailer of pirates of the Caribbean and it sucked

Are they going to make another LEGO game after LEGO batman 2?

Yes, because my brother has the game Lego Batman 3

Is Lego Spider-Man going to be in Lego batman 2?


When does LEGO batman comes out?

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes came out on June Tuesday 19.