In the celestrian king's room, exit through the bg door in the back, then climb the stairs to the top.
there is a yggdrasil leaf at the back of greygnaryl's lair after you have the story part where he dies for upover. none of the other chests have anything in there so it's the only object
Aquila is your teacher in Dragon Quest 9.
You should get dragon quest 9. no doubt
Dragon Quest 9 came out July 11th.
There are no items called 'dollar' in Dragon Quest IX.
to become a sage in dragon quest 9, you have to look in bookcase that is in the gortress i am not exactly shore which room though
of course not!
You can't get a horse in dragon quest 9 because it doesnt allow you too. The only thing you get is the zoom thing.
An evil celestrian who can transform into a monster dragon.
A priest or sage can resurrect them with Zing or Kazing. They can be brought back to life using a Yggdrasil Leaf. Lastly they can be taken to a church, and you can pay to have them resurrected.