you can write any reason to be on the show as long as you get a bucky lucas stamp from bucky lucas he has room 4b order Pizza using the motel phone the number is 555 pete i think it should be in the magazine then go outside the pizza girl will be there but she will not remember the room number volunteer to take the pizza and then go click on the room 4b door he will let you in talk to him and you will get a stamp then go to a mailbox near the tv store
reality TV island 123 star avenue Hollywood
123 star avenue, Hollywood
it is found when you jump as high as your poptropican can go and you jump onto the clouds. then walk left and you will find 123 Hollywood avenue. :)
123 Star Avenue, Hollywood
123 star avenue it is in the tv world
The address for the application form is seen on the televisions at the TV store. You cannot write it on, but it is automatically added to the card after you see it. (It is 123 Star Avenue in Hollywood.)The address on Reality TV Island is: 123 Star Avenue Hollywood.
you go to the tv store and click the tv and wait then it says to send it to 123 star avenue Hollywood
123 star avenue
123 Avenue Hollywood okay
nowhere you just have to send the letter to that place
The address for the application form is seen on the televisions at the TV store. You cannot write it on, but it is automatically added to the card after you see it. (It is 123 Star Avenue in Hollywood.)
no Such Thingwhat are you talking about if you are not like what your reading ask yo mama