Alan Sues's birth name is Alan Grigsby Sues.
Alan Sues is 6' 1".
Alan Sues died on December 1, 2011.
Phyllis Sues's birth name is Phyllis Gehrig.
Alan Sues was born in Ross, California on March 7, 1926.
Alan Sues was born in Ross, California on March 7, 1926.
Leonard Sues was born on April 3, 1921, in El Paso, Texas, USA.
Leonard Sues died on October 24, 1971, in Los Angeles, California, USA of cancer.
Phyllis Sues was born on April 4, 1923, in East Williston, New York, USA.
If you default on a loan and Ford sues you, it can garnish your wages if it wins the lawsuit.If you default on a loan and Ford sues you, it can garnish your wages if it wins the lawsuit.If you default on a loan and Ford sues you, it can garnish your wages if it wins the lawsuit.If you default on a loan and Ford sues you, it can garnish your wages if it wins the lawsuit.
She is claiming that she got fired because she is pregnant.