Welp, its not minecraft that's the problem, its the mouse unplug it (if it is wired) clean out the usb port for the mouse wire and then plug it back in. Then that should do it
The hotbar is the 9 slots at the bottom of your screen or inventory. You can use the mouse wheel to scroll through the items you have on it.
use your mouse
You have to click the screen to start playing.
You've toggled an option called "mouse smoothing". The toggle key is F8, just press F8 again and you're fixed.
You hold it in your hand, and look down, which will raise your hand and hold the map so it fills the screen.
sorry, what I meant was you hold the left mouse button on the start menu and drag it to the bottom of the screen
It sounds to me like this is the screen saver coming on. When you move or click the mouse the screen saver will go away. If you want to shut off or change the screen saver time out, you can right click on the desktop and select 'properties'. Then select screensaver and here you can change your settings.
This question does not make much scene. If you are asking how to get into a crafting table with a one button mouse, well you are better off getting a two button mouse (they work with macs)
No, you can use a trackpad but a mouse is alot easyer.
To go full screen in Minecraft, you press F11. (Not sure if it works on Mac, but it probably does)
if you get a mouse you can turn it on and off or to sleep with the mouse using the appropiate menu option under the Apple Menu in the upper-left corner of your screen.