you can buy a lightsaber replica at master replicas
Mace Windu's lightsaber color is purple. But all lightsaber blades give off a white glow along with the color of the lightsaber crystal inside, for the lightsaber produces the smell of ozone when activated
yes there is such thing as a orange lightsaber
enter lightsaber. its great :] enter lightsaber. its great :]
You can't do that because there is room for only one lightsaber crystal.
No lightsaber is better than another, it depends on the user.
Anakin's lightsaber blade's color was blue
no a lightsaber would not kill superman
A rhyming word for lightsaber is "neighsayer."
In all Star Wars lightsaber battles, the wielder would hold the lightsaber in his dominant hand. For example, if you are right-handed, then you would hold the lightsaber in your right hand
you get a silver lightsaber.