There is a lock on the basement door.
You get the key from the bat, then there will be a back entrance, then you use the key there.
Catch the bat on the roof and use the key to get in the basement.
When you grab the key from the bat, the basement door (left side) opens.
To open the door to the basement on Haunted House in Poptropica, you first must get the key which the bat is flying around with. Then use it to unlock the padlock and onpen the door!
It is where you enter the house. Catch the bat with the key and the basement door to the left of the house will be open.
When you reach the house, a small bat flies off with a key. Go on the roof and jump for the bat when he passes.
Look in your Item Bag under "Purchased Items" and select "enter" on the Haunted House card. Once you are at the house, you will notice that the door is boarded up. climb to the top of the haunted house and you will see a bat flying with a key. Get the key. <(this may take a while) after you get the key, go to the far left and enter the cellar door. You are now in the haunted house!
Climb to the roof. He will have less room to escape you and you can grab the key.
Catch the flying bat to get the key. The lock on the basement door is now open (left side).
You walk over to the far left side of the house, where the basement door is now unlocked.