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You have to jump up the tree on the right side of the school then you'll get a scrap of paper which says Greg's locker combination, then you go into the school and find Greg's locker (Greg's locker is the locker that doesn't have any blue lines through it) Once you've found the locker you click on it and you swirl round until the numbers are right.

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11y ago

It is in Greg's locker at the school. His locker is the 8th from the left under the banner, and the only one you can click on. His combination is 9, 37, 15 (it is on a slip of paper in a tree to the right of the school.

You can only enter the school when you are chasing Greg's little brother Manny. In Greg's house, pick up the Address Book, then go out Manny's window and follow his tracks left across the rooftops to Rowley's house. He will run you down with the rumble bike and continue past his house. Chase him up the tree, then right to the school. When he enters, push the trashcan onto the seesaw, then climb the tree and jump down on the right side, throwing the can onto the ledge. Push it left and you can enter the school. Chase Manny, then stop and Greg's locker and open it with the combination.

At this point you should follow Manny right to Leisure Towers, and climb up the outside to see grandpa (33-C). You can also visit Whirley Street to recover the snow shovel there. But you can also bring the Guide back to Greg's house and later visit Grandpa.

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in the school there is a locker on the bottom floor it is on the left side of lockers and when you find the locker that lets you click on it you have to enter the combo 9 37 15 and the guide book is inside!