bishoy got 9 in his test xDDD
you buy a slingshot from tom nooks then you look for a balloon (it normally comes when the time ends in 4 e.g 12:54) then you go to the top of the town and shoot it down.
You can find Pete flying through the sky on Monday-Friday at 9am or 5pm.
if you see a present tied to balloons floating in the sky you can shoot it with the slingshot and get the present.
Presents in the sky, you have 2 shoot them w/ your slingshot.
Gulliver is a pigeon. When you see a flying saucer in the sky and shoot it down with your slingshot, he comes out.
You need to shoot 15 balloons out of the sky and then the next one should be a balloon with a golden slingshot attached as a present.
Use a slingshot (can be bought at Nook's) and press A to shoot in the sky. Get a cool golden slingshot by shooting 15 presents down!
When you order something from Nook. Later in the day he will fly across the sky like a present and you can shoot him down.
it was written by the band guitarrist, he was in a rolling stones concert and saw some balloons flying in the sky, then he wrote the song
flying mammals
Usually, the balloons will appear at a random time. However, it has been noted that the balloons will appear only on the fourth minute, which is like 10:04, 12: 44, and so forth. This is not always true, but it is like this for most of the time.
To look at the sky, you hit the up button on your Wii remote.
If you are refering to Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS, you can not climb the cliffs that are on either the far left or the far right of your town. It is impossible. If you miss a ballon in the sky and you can not hit it with your slingshot in time, there is nothing you can do to get it back. The balloons appear about every hour in the sky during the day. You can always try again latter. But as for the cliffs, it is impossible. The cliffs are your towns "city limits" and there is no reason why you would need to climb them.