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You have to plant different seeds to attract them.

Kitties: Purdy, Gingersnap, Lady Meowford, Waldo

020 Purdy (pink cat) [Kitty] Any dragon fruit, any moon orchid, any dragon fruit

003 ^Gingersnap (Engineer cat) [Kitty] Any magic beans, any love berry, any hot silly pepper

030 Lady Meowford (white cat) [Kitty] Blue moon orchid, pink moon orchid, yellow/purple star blossom

077 Waldo (nerdy squirrel) [Kitty] Pink love berry, purple/black dragon fruit, red star blossom

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13y ago
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13y ago

i dont know, well i think its a mopod code one but i cant find it anywhere so mabey it was one of the once in a lifetime ship items that you ant get ANYWHERe

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Moshi Monsters how do you get ginger gap?

According to the Moshi Monsters forum the combination for Gingersnap is: Gingersnap (beat up cat) >> any Magic + any Love + any Pepper

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